Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2nd post,It is now after Labor Day

OK. I was really lazy over the holiday weekend. I didn't read any books. I did however finish the book Even Buffett Isn't Perfect by Vahan Janjigian on Tuesday. I have started It's Only A Game by Terry Bradshaw which is autobiographical. Even Buffett Isn't Perfect is a good book if you are a fan of Warren Buffett. It takes a contrarian look at Buffett, meanwhile acknowledging that he is presently the best stock investor out there. I am a novice into stock investing yet I am wanting to learn. I learned some strategies by reading this book. A stock that I have been following and recommending to buy because its numbers look good is up 33% in a week and a half. When I get money to invest, I might be on my way to a fortune. I am already a third of the way through the book on Terry Bradshaw. The Buffett book was a learning tool and required a lot of brain activity. It's Only A Game is more of a pleasure read. It does give perspective into the life of an NFL quarterback. I might not be so quick to boo Vince Young (Tennessee Titans quarterback) the next time he makes a mistake.

I will try to start blogging more frequently. Good Luck to all and good night.

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